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Topics Include
- An Oil Change for my Knee? (Viscosupplementation)
- Rotator Cuff- What’s that?
- What is a Frozen Shoulder?
- Treadmill Versus Outdoor Running
- In-Line Skating versus Running?
- Why Bother Walking?
- Exercise and Menopause
- Can Athletes Drink too Much Water?
- Can Helmets Prevent Concussion?
- Not a Big Fan of Winter?
- Can Osteoarthritis Run in the Family?
- What is a Meniscus?
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Dr. Darrell Menard is the Surgeon General’s specialist advisor in sport medicine. He has worked extensively with athletes from multiple sports and has covered Canadian teams competing at multiple games including the 2012 Olympics and the 2016 Paralympic games. These articles were originally published in the Canadian Forces Journal, the Maple Leaf.